< *c3|!n3m!n9*: sad news :(


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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

sad news :(

Sad news to start my day.
A daily routine for me to read the news on web once I arrive to office.
Try so hard to hold back my tears after reading the news since I'm in the office.

Pregnant woman dies after thieves pull her off motorcycle - theStar 06 May 09
I remember I heard this news over the TV last night but it was Chinese news so I couldn't catch what is it about.
The image of the victim's husband teary & clinging on his 2 stepchild is still clear in my mind.
I only know the exact story after reading the news earlier..... such a distress news.
So heartbreaking as the man is so much looking forward to move on his new life after a sad past but now he just have to live in past again.....
What is wrong with this people? Not only snatching people's belongings but they've gone too far that they snatched people's life too!
Authority.... please do something!~!~

Plight of the swamp dogs - theStar 06 May 09
Another sad news..... although they are animals but they are one of the living thing like us... its just that they live different way from human.
That doesn't mean we human can treat the animal so cruel that you leave them like that.
This is not the way to curb the problem..... human has brain, animals don't so human should use their brain to solve the problem.... not just throw them to some island and leave them starve to death.....
Imagine it yourself.... the dogs don't know what is going on that they were just sent off to another place....all this while it thought we were their friends... that is why it tried to swim back to their friends cause they miss us without thinking that they would survive or drown they just can't make it back meeting us...

This is so cruel.... where is your humane thoughts???


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