< *c3|!n3m!n9*: "suffocated"


it's all about things that i saw ~ it's all about things that i heard ~ it's all about things that i know ~ it's all about things that i want to share ~ it's all about.....anything......

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Every year, around this season, I will be "suffocated".....
Can't bare with this season.... once I saw one or two somewhere some place, I'll start preparing myself for the worst ....

Arghh~~ hate it so much~~

Was so headache even when I'm dozing off last night. I'm not sure I've slept for how long but was suddenly woken up by some pitchy sound.... was kind of blur and don't know what was that, so I gather my mind to interpret what was that sound? It was the sound of voices just right outside my bedroom door... laugh, giggles & chatters of mum, dad & sisters.... 

But .... but.... wait a minute~

As I was gathering my mind, there's some kind of smell.... something extremly familiar and makes me feel so uneasy.... I make my mind clearer and clearer and WHAT!!!! 

First, I was surprised by pitchy sound and now what....... I'm "suffocated" by the smell of durian???
Ew~~~~  headache + durian smell = Super Headache + Suffocated >.<"

Tiger Balm to the rescue... but don't know why it just can't over come the smell..... sighh.... next, pillow to the rescue.... gee~~~ 

Lucky enough the smell is gone when I woke up this morning... phew~~  'cos they knew I'll "scream" when I wake up the next day to find out (but they didn't know I've FACED it last night before they clear the "evidence"), so they've settled all into containers and the husk was already outside in the bin too..... thank goodness.... otherwise, another super headache day ....


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