< *c3|!n3m!n9*: mood swing ??


it's all about things that i saw ~ it's all about things that i heard ~ it's all about things that i know ~ it's all about things that i want to share ~ it's all about.....anything......

Thursday, May 14, 2009

mood swing ??

it's too early to have mood swing...
i dono why but i just don't feel good since early of the day.

waking up from the wrong side of the bed? probably..... i hope it is, i hope it is not.

thought that i'll feel better soon later by noon but seems like i still feel the same way as i felt this morning...or probably just got worst....
don't feel like doin anything ... just feel like being alone, all by myself...... just feel like heading home, lying blankly on bed right away.....hoping that i will get over my feelings soon.

hmmm... impossible.... still have hours more to go before i could do so....
wish that the time flies faster than any other day...

time pass so fast during "bright" time
pass so slow during "dark" time

so unfair~~~


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