< *c3|!n3m!n9*: it has been told....


it's all about things that i saw ~ it's all about things that i heard ~ it's all about things that i know ~ it's all about things that i want to share ~ it's all about.....anything......

Sunday, March 15, 2009

it has been told....

....finally..... finally it has been told for the first time.....

I don't know what makes me finally speak out.
I did planned to speak out soon but never expect that it will be so so soon.
I knew I will feel better once it has been told but courage and time is all I need because once it has been told, I will be facing alot of consequenses and definately no turning back once it has been told.

That is why, I keep on thinking and planning for the right time to say it and also to gather my courage to speak out but, there's a saying that I now find believe ...... "when time comes, it will tell".

So, finally it has been told now and no doubt I do feel lighter inside me after keeping it to myself for so long but is this the right thing? Is this the right start for my courage to speak out to more??

I really wish it would come to an end soon......


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