< *c3|!n3m!n9*: LeeHom "Heroes of Earth" World Tour 2007


it's all about things that i saw ~ it's all about things that i heard ~ it's all about things that i know ~ it's all about things that i want to share ~ it's all about.....anything......

Friday, March 9, 2007

LeeHom "Heroes of Earth" World Tour 2007

Date : 4th March 2007, Sunday
Speciality: Last day of CNY aka Chap Goh Meh & Lunar Valentine's Day
Venue : National Stadium (Outdoor), Bkt Jalil, KL
Time : 8pm
Price : RM353

Originally the concert was fixed on 3rd Mac at Stadium Merdeka, as stated on the ticket above but was moved to 4th Mac at National Stadium Bkt Jalil due to the plans of renovating the Stadium Merdeka in conjunction of the 50th Anniversary Merdeka Celebration. Press released by Galaxy - Concert's amendment.

Coincidently, the worth waiting day for most of LeeHom’s fans whom one of them is me, his concert falls on the last day of CNY, 4th Mac which also the day his fans celebrates Lunar V-Day with him. Wow, such a romantically memorable day & concert.

Such an awesome experience is truly unforgettable. How unforgettable?

4th Mac, Sun – Joey, her sister & I catch the 8:00a.m. bus heading to KL. Reaches KL almost noon & due to bumper crawling towards Puduraya, we got down along Jln Pudu & walk to Swiss Garden hotel instead of walking all the way back from bus station to hotel.

I really hope we could check-in immediately as we arrive at the reception. After usual check-in procedure & given the room number & key by receptionist, we head on to the elevator right away but before the elevator door could shut behind us, the same receptionist nervously call us to step out! 3 of us look at each other wondering ‘Watz up?’. The receptionist made a mistake by giving us the key to an unclean room! GoSh! So we were given welcome drinks each at the lounge while waiting for our rooms to be clean which took more than ½ hour still not ready because the floor maid went for their lunch! Hey, I haven’t taken anything yet but this welcome drink (which tasted like one of the medicine I had when I was young) since I woke up. No choice, all of us are hungry, we leave our luggage at the concierge & walks to Puduraya to hunt for food.

Puduraya station, crowded as usual but hardly any choice of food we could eat. We went across 2 streets, thought of McD near MyDin complex but full house! Walk further up another McD also the same, Nando’s, A&W,…...what else, all same situation but lucky enough Kenny Rogers still got space to accommodate 3 of us to dine in there.

After brunch, we head back to hotel really hoping the room is ready which should be ready. Thank goodness, we got our room & freshen up, getting ready for the big night, LeeHom’s concert at Bukit Jalil which located totally away from the hotel we are staying

We walk back to Puduraya to catch StarLRT from Plaza Rakyat to Bukit Jalil which is the second last station. We bought 2 ways ticket just in case & cost us only RM3.80 each.

It’s way too early when we reach Bukit Jalil but first thing to be done when we reach is to collect out tickets & we face difficulties in looking for Galaxy ticket counter moreover in such hot weather, foot aching, sweating & stickiness all over body. No signage of ticket counter by Galaxy is something they should feel embarrassed & I can’t deny the claims of Galaxy staff being impolite. Honestly when we couldn't find any sign of the counter, are so worry that we can't get out tickets. Moreover, it's Sunday we can't expect anyone answering the phone in Galaxy office.

After searching high-low, following our instinct & asking around, we manage to fins the ticket counter & get our tickets. It’s still after collecting our tickets. Aimless & nothing to do, we stand under the trees to get some shade opposite the entrance. We are so excited and counting time, hours to enter to the stadium. I’m so excited that I suggest we start lining up although it’s number seated ticket I’m just excited. As time keeps ticking, the queue gets longer & longer whereas the sky gets slightly darker. Darker in the sense of not night & the moon & stars are out. It’s because it’s gona rain anytime.

It’s raining, unluckily no umbrella or raincoat nor shade, “rain keeps falling on our head”. Lucky enough it’s not raining like cats & dogs however it still manage to wet the ground. Fans screaming on & off at the entrance, demanding to enter the stadium soon cos at least we can get some shade in there.

The RELA & Galaxy staff ready in their position & as more raindrops falling down, fans starts to get more heated up & it’s also time the fans are allowed to enter the stadium already. Fans run like nobody’s business, looking up for directions to their seats location whereas 3 of us walk slowly like nobody’s business looking around the stalls, get ourselves some souvenirs & food to ease our hunger. But when we got ourselves seated, hey the stage is so much nearer than my past experience & also lucky enough the rain stops too.

The screen on stage is playing some entertainment news & also definitely LeeHom’s ad. Fans scream whenever there’s him, his songs, & even when the lights starts to dim towards to start of the concert!! That’s really crazy fanatic fans. Did I scream? Well a little, to some of it. Hey, it's fun, one of the way to show our support to LeeHom & also to give build up his spirit while preparing at the back stage. Is there any backstage? I will rather say bottom stage.

I try my very best to snap as much picture as I can by using such an economical Canon camera. Right form the beginning of the conert till the end of it.Besides that, I try to enjoy myself in this concert too.

Check out what the news had to say about the concert…
Rousing show:Wang LeeHom in concert
LeeHom at his best

LeeHom Heroes of Earth Concert is the best concert I ever been so far. He's the forever young & cute hunk with his entertaining, playfullness & talents on stage. Despite of everything, I’m really looking forward for his upcoming concert.

The very best shots I could get from d place v were seated......

More shots from Me My Gallery =).....



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