< *c3|!n3m!n9*: Successful Chezcake~!~!~!


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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Successful Chezcake~!~!~!

yipee, finally it's all set, nice and done & deliciouzzzzzzzzzzzz......yummie~~ yum~~ Yum~~

here i present it 2 you my


nice? nice?? *hehehe*

wana try??? mmmmmmm.......

this is actually the 2nd time baking strawberry baked cheesecake... the 1st time was a disaster, it supposed 2 b served nicely Mother's day's cake but it end up to be jst for extra dessert day although the previous one turn out ugly but it still tasted as good as this one up ther ^^^

how it happened 2 b a disaster? wel >>> 11th May, i went Carrefour to grab some ingredients but there i can't find a heart shape baking tin, so gota go back to nearby house shop CARSON and buy one. Went back home and start processing, everything's goin on fine, after that it's time to water bath baking, i filled up the tray with water and place the heart shape tin filled with cake mixture in the water.




70 minutes passed, time to take the cake out and leave it cool, to my surprise and dissapointment, the cake seems wet and soggy...y???? how come?? my measurement is all right and exactly the same....to my horror, it's all because of >>> THE BAKING TIN!!!!! <<<>




howeva, i've learn my lesson tru tis disaster and it helped me to bake a better cake. SERIOUSLY IT REALLY TASTED GREAT!!! =)


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