< *c3|!n3m!n9*: Lee Hom's 2006 Promo Tour


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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Lee Hom's 2006 Promo Tour

It’s been a week since I went to Lee Hom’s 2006 Promo Tour. That was my first up-close & personal look of Lee Hom. So near but ‘big bareers’ were set in between us… hey don’t think I perasan la. Read further then you’ll get what I mean ok….the words of wisdom… don’t jump into conclusion before knowing the story *LOL*

Okok, let’s get back to my story… well I don’t mean that this is the first time I see Lee Hom but it has been few times…concerts include rite *hehe*. Just that tis time it’s real close. Wel, it was his last stop at Penang, Gurney Garden for his Promo Tour in Malaysia.

It all started out like this…


Joey : hey gal, wana go Pg on Monday? Lee Hom’s here.

Me : oh yea, he’s here, sure I would like to go but…I couldn’t make it. I got something up on tuesday

Joey : ok then, good luck 2 u.

Me : enjoy urself there….



Me : hey gal, stil goin to Pg tomoro?

Joey : yea, why?

Me : hahaha I can make it d, let’s go together.

Joey : ok c u then….



I meet up with Joey at Megamal to go together. It was stil early so we went for window shopin & we did bought some things thou. Stil early, ok lets go for a movie.

After movie….

Oh, stil early…where to go? Not hungry too. Nvm then we just head on to the location and wow lotz of people there, waiting to go into the site. As we kno, entry by ticket. Haha but we don’t have. We plan to just stay outside the fencing to watch, er….actualy it was far away from the stage to get a better view of Lee Hom.

We head on to grab some coffee at Coffee Bean first, since it’s stil early. Chit chat n ‘pat pat’ a bit on passer-bys there *haha* .

Almost 8pm, expected Lee Hom reach, but we kno artist not on time =p. we went back to get a nice spot to peep form outside, not bad stil can see. Then *haha* when he’s here screams everywhere as usual, but one unusual thing is, *hehe* the entrance now left unsecured, anyone could just enter. Yahoo! feeling lucky, Joey & I went in without hesitation, not only us but lotz of others do so

Feeling lucky again, both of us tall enough to see over hundreds of popping heads. Then few songs passed, it’s autograph session. I don’t really expect that i’ll have the chance to get his autograph… BUT… alto my Mandrin’s not that good but stil can understand a lil’, heard the announcement made that he’ll sign for everyone having his latest album.

50% of my doubts answered. Another 50% is, am I gona have it signed? Almost an hour of his autograph session, the chance is here. Our section is opened to enter, pushes all around, 3rd round…YES!!! I make it trough, felt like “oh…I’m free..” free of wat? oh freed from being pushed around of cos *haha*. While waiting, both of us have thought of a few words to say it to Lee Hom. Was so excited I got to see him so near, right in front of me, but felt like it so easy….but after that it was not easy after all..WHY?...

Cos, the security was so tight, no photo taking on stage with him. Besides that, I still remember how fans was treated, cos I’m one of them *wink*; Joey went first followed by me right behind. While Lee Hom was signing for her, she was being held by the arm to be led away off the stage, and I’m one of the ‘victim’ before mine was taken by Lee Hom to sign, they already held on to lead me off the stage! So sad & heart-broken. We don’t even get the chance to say few words to him to ask him “keep it up & take care!!”…..

However, I was even heart-broken cos seeing him thinner than before & tired especially his hand. Tired of signing hundreds of booklet, with a lil cushion placed on his lap to support his tired arms….. No pictures taken, but his autograph i got it *wink*

Wel, tat’s it! My experience with Lee Hom. Joey & I told ourselves that we’ll never miss the chance to go for his concerts & we’ll go for the front sits…YEAH!....


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