< *c3|!n3m!n9*: i've read, watched & breaked the CODE


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Thursday, June 8, 2006

i've read, watched & breaked the CODE

The murder of a renowned French curator sent the entire French state into panic, and the only man who can help investigate the crime is none other than Robert Langdon. Langdon is a Harvard symbologist, is dedicated to revealing the mysteries of ancient codes. Who would have guessed that Leonardo Da Vinci's legendary painting of Mona Lisa hides the secrets to Christianity that has never been revealed to the world before? With the help of stunning Sophie Neveu, estranged granddaughter of the murdered curator, Langdon helps to find the murderer and make the French policemen's lives easier, by putting his life on the line.

when the da vinci code hitz the theaters, i was so excited and couldn't wait to watch it. but one day i was Q-ing and staring at the tv info showing how many sits left and the moment me & YF reached the counter to grab 2 tickets, it seems that it's sold like hot cupcakes fresh from the oven. feeling disappointed, we then decide to watch Over the Hedge >> cute cool and funny. really worth watching and after that movie it did overocmed my disappointment.

I was pretty lucky though cos thanx to YF's sis who booked extra tickets, then we managed to watch it few days later *haha*. i would give the director and the production *2 thumbs up*. it's really worth watching ya... i was thinking of grabbin a dvd in store to keep it *hehe* family haven't watch yet especially mum who wanted to read the book but the movie's already out. NVM will advice mum to read before watching.



i've read Memoirs of a Geisha
i've read Da Vinci Code
i've watched Memoirs of a Geisha
i've watched Da Vinci Code
frankly speaking, Da Vinci Code is much more worth to be watched than Memoirs of a Geisha. WHY???

Memoirs of a Geisha i would say that the art is there and the culture is same as described in the book. but i still prefer the book than the movie cos; if i watch the movie before i read the book, i wouldn't have undertsand why is it like this and why is it so......etc??? question warks will keep popping up and blinking on my head and after i have finish watching the movie i wonder if i'll find wrinkles printed on my forehead. well for a little credit, i did struggle to imagine Sayuri's first performance when i first read the book but after watching the movie, GREAT!!

same goes to Da Vinci Code lucky enough i manage to finish the book before the movie hitz the theaters. after reading + watching = exciting >> why stil excited of since i know the story d? actually cos i wana know how it gona looks like in reality picture *haha* tatz wat i'm excited of. the movie compressed the 2 inches thick book into +- 2 hours show; but at least the movie pictured the correct main point and there's a smooth flow in the storyline connecting and leading to the next scene which will not leave a gap and question marks all over. i can't deny there's total zero questions..but the questions are not regard of the movie's flow but the questions everyone might be asking will be how true is this? how true is that? and does it really exists?


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