< *c3|!n3m!n9*: tiny fur fur...


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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

tiny fur fur...

Ooo~~ pups growing real fast ya.

When they were just born, their skin is so redish pink.
But, As days go by, the redish pink started to fade and slowly replaced by dark patches which will be the design of their growing fur.

So cute to spot tiny furs covering their body now.
Their eyes are still shut with no sense of direction yet. So they uses their body and tiny weak legs, wiggle waggle around.

Am so amazed by the pups' behavior..... they started to behave like the grown up hamster; such as scratching and brushing their whiskes. So cute~

Besides that, they started wrestling too with their eyes still shut.... Cool~

Can't wait for their eyes to open and grow little more furs. Cause I can start to pet them and scoop them up in my hands :)
Their are even more cute when they started to run around.

Hope they'll grow even faster so that someone is able to play with them before leaving......


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